
We are building a justice@work network through our study, At Work with John's Gospel: a spirituality for life's fruitfulness in all our labours. The study comprises five bible studies and is available from the publishers, Coventry Press.  http://coventrypress.com.au/Bookstore?product_id=53  Start a study group in your church or for interested workmates at your workplace. Leadership can be shared. We encourage your participation in the justice@work network. You can contribute to: Faith at work narratives. Share a story from your work that strengthened your awareness of Christ’s presence at work, challenged your understanding of God’s character, or deepened your sense of vocation. Fruitful conversations about life's labours. Send a summary of insights gained from the study by your group of John's Gospel . Tell us how the study is nurturing prayer and preaching in your church. We have developed the following resources for Lent . Begin Lent with our work-themed Ash Wednesday liturgy. Be inspired for preaching on the Lenten gospel readings for year A in the Common Lectionary, following John Bottomley’s five sermons in his book, Hard Work Never Killed Anybody: How the idolisation of work sustains this deadly lie. Dedicate one Sunday in Lent for a part of the Sunday worship to commission members in paid work as frontline mission workers for your parish/congregation. Visit our resources page for studies, research reports, liturgies and sermons for other times of the year, and for special work-themed events.

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