Bible Studies

COVID-19: Studies arising from a global pandemic

An unprecedented crisis?

Here are five studies to create a safe space for faith, reflection and hope for small groups and congregations.  To download, click PandemicStudies-final  

The path to meaning-making after acts of violence and devastation begins with truth-telling.  Our congregation members' truth was we all felt overwhelmed and isolated in the early days of the pandemic in 2020.  The gift of our truth-telling about our initial feelings of fear and confusion was it transformed the buried energy of our painful feelings to creativity and commitment.  This study is the fruit of that truth-telling. 

In lockdown with the Galatians: Paul’s Good News for burdened people

With a Foreword by Revd Associate Professor Sean Winter, Head of College at Pilgrim Theological College, Melbourne, these four studies ask the burning question “Where is God in all of this?” by exploring the human burden of lockdown in two ways.  First, we explore stories of study participants’ experiences of our liberties confined and our assumptions about identity turned upside-down.  These stories are not about being in lock-down, but they are all told because they provide a window into our shared experience of lockdown due to the global pandemic.  Then we listen to St. Paul’s gospel to the multinational gathering of Jesus’ followers who live as conquered peoples under the Roman imperial governance in the province of Galatia.  Here also there are real life challenges brought to the surface by a foreign invading power.  Each study intends to encourage participants to struggle with what it means to be human in a community of faith burdened and limited by the real life challenges of a global pandemic, indeed life itself.   To download, click 'Galatians study final' here.

The Problem of Men’s Violence: study guide

There are three studies in this guide based on our congregation's  decision to address the shameful issue of ment's violence against women that came to public attention during the depth of the pandemic in early 2021.  While there was a sense of urgency it needed to be talked about and better understood, there was no clear sense of what ‘it’ was.  Our study focussed on making each gathering a safe space for honest conversations for small mixed gender groups of up to 10 people, so we could better understand: ‘what is the question about our response to men's violence against women the congregation is asking?’   The guide has a valuable introduction by Academic Dean and Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament at the University of Divinity's Pilgrim Theological College, Monica Jyotsna Melanchthon.  To download, click Men's violence.adj here.



A Lenten Study: Luke’s Good News’ offers a study guide for the lectionary gospel readings for year C of Lent.

The study seeks to draw on Tom Wright’s commentary to support participants integrate Luke’s gospel with their own life and work.  The guide supports shared leadership and space for reflection and faith sharing.

PDF download of Lenten Study, Faith and Work

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