Enroll today for the CMN congregation's Men and violence.workshop.2021 for male ministers of the Uniting Church on 'Men and violence: understanding and transforming our lives'. The workshop provides a safe place for understanding the seeds of violence in men's socialisation, and facilitates the development of trust in a crucified and powerless Christ for transforming men's vocation for peace-building in a too violent world.
In an opinion piece for International Workers Memorial Day, Mission to Work Coordinator John Bottomley, argued that our culture’s belief in the saving virtue of hard work is idolatrous. He said, 'When the worth of human life is narrowed to what is achieved in the public realm of work, and the pain and grief of work-related harm is excluded as ‘mere’ emotion, we are living in a culture that is out of kilter with God’s intention for humans to enjoy life in its wholeness.' Read the whole article from the Synod publication, 'Crosslight'.
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